Monday, August 18, 2014

Communication is Key

The older I get the more I realise how import clear communication is. Communication does not come naturally to all people, espically people in the more technical sectors. I must say I really enjoying working with technology. Things are normally always black and white or zeros and ones. When it comes to people that are a number of soft skills that in my case needed to be learnt and did not come natually and I have to admit I'm still learning new things every day about working with people.

Leason for today:

Talk to people, not about people.

One thing I need to start doing is after key meetings send out my own 'minutes'. This way I communicate my understanding of what was communicated in the meeting and what decisions where made. Also I need to make clear statements in my 'minutes' about assigned roles and responsbilities. Never assume someone has commited to doing something unless it's in black and white!

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