Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How to install Novell Designer on Ubuntu

We had a problem on Ubuntu 64bit where the rpm install would not work, fixed by adding a --force like this:

rpm -ivh --nodeps --force nici****.rpm

Looks like Novell removed the site:

And put it in the readme:

Installing Designer on Debian-Based Linux Distributions
Although we cannot officially support all Linux distributions, many customers have reported success running Designer on Debian-based distributions, such as Ubuntu. To do this, perform the following steps:

1) Download and extract (to a folder of your choice) Designer from the coolsolutions web site.
2) Use Ubuntu's synaptic package manager to install the alien, rpm, and gettext packages (or from the command line, type sudo apt-get -f install alien rpm gettext).
3) Change directories to the designerInstallDir directory.
4) Use rpm to install the nici rpm (from the command line, type sudo rpm -ivh --nodeps components/nici/nici.i386.rpm) *this adds an entry to the rpm database that the installer checks for when you type rpm -qa at the command line.
5) The gettext rpm is also required for the standard Designer installer. Download any installable gettext.rpm version and install it, such as rpm -ivh --nodeps gettext[version].rpm. This adds the gettext entry to the rpm database.
6) Run the standard Designer ./install script as a normal desktop user.

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